We need your help!

RSVP for State Library Legislative Day | Identify your State Representatives and Senators

According to Jennifer Sackett, Co-Chair Legislative Committee – NCPLDA

“It’s hard to believe May is already here and Library Legislative Day is just around the corner!

As you may be aware, news from Raleigh late last week about revenue projections and budget shortfalls wasn’t good. While we have our work cut out for us, I am confident that together we can show our legislators how valuable libraries are to the residents of North Carolina and how they help build communities!

We are asking you to help us spread that message. We hope many of you will join us on Tuesday, May 20th in Raleigh. We will begin the day with a brief rally from 9:00-9:30 a.m. in the Legislative Building Auditorium. If you haven’t already, please contact your local representatives and set up appointments in advance to meet with them.

Our message this year is that Libraries Build Communities through… supporting workforce development, promoting literacy and lifelong learning, connecting people and resources, partnering with local organizations, bridging the information divide, etc. I encourage you to add to that list what your library is doing in your “local” communities to make your message even more personal.

We will have some information that morning which you can use as you meet with your legislators but if you have anything that addresses specifically what you are doing in your local community, please bring that along.

On behalf of North Carolina Public Libraries, thank you for your work in spreading the message that libraries do matter! ”

RSVP for State Library Legislative Day

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